Have you been enjoying your summer? Summer is a great time to adventure, picnic, swim, hike… With only a few weeks left for you and your family and friends to enjoy the holidays before they head back to school we hope you’ll make the most of it!!
Our new colourful Libre tea glasses are a great way to add colour to your picnic table and outdoor dining. And great for back to school refreshment all day long!
Here are 10 Summer Adventure Ideas!
- Have a Tea Party with the family in the backyard, at the park or on the balcony.
- Go camping or hiking – often spots close to home are overlooked.
- Visit the PNE in Vancouver BC or CNE in Toronto ON
- Attend the Harbor Days Maritime Festival & Vintage Tugboat Races in Olympia WA
- Have a picnic or barbeque and share your favorite summertime recipes.
- Visit the San Diego Museum of Arts or take the kids to the Toy Doctor Workshop
- Get out that last book you wanted to read this summer and head to the beach or park
- Have a family walk around your neighborhood; notice the colours, sounds and smells of summer at its fullness.
- Pick a bunch of wildflowers on a nature walk.
- Make a scrap book for all your summer photos and trip souvenirs (ticket stubs, receipts, maps and postcards)
Share with us what’s your top summer adventure so far and/or what’s your fave summer refreshment for a chance to win a Libre of your choice.
Best wishes for a great week ahead and catching that ‘summertime feeling’.