Presents or Presence:)? the Gifts of Inner Peace.

Presents or Presence:)? the Gifts of Inner Peace.

Holiday Season 2022 ...     Thanks for taking the time with us in this busy season.


Often by now, unless you are a holiday season lover, or just love to be organised ... our thoughts come to gifts ... so many choices.

Many this year, I've heard are opting for donations - yes we often have all we need and enjoy the opportunity to help others with less, whether a local organization or for far away folks in far away lands. One I love is Plan Canada with so many choices - maybe a goat, a month of education, or clean water - they even have corporate sponsors that will leverage your gift several times over.

Our loved ones will no doubt be deeply touched with a donation to their favourite cause.

YES - but what about us? ;) Our gift is our presence, to be in the moment.

This is where an inner peace practise is so valuable - many are rushing and feeling stressed. Some even cranky:) Have you encountered 'cranky'?

Most times others crankiness is about them - our job is to stay connected to our own heart - and the peace we know that lies within - yes we can meditate, even 5 minutes morning and night can make a difference.

Or join me for a Somatic Stretch class - bringing awareness into our bodies, creating greater physical ease, and connecting more deeply allows us to relax and enjoy this season and reconnect to our inner peace.

And I believe the silver bullet for this season is be present - not the wrapped kind but our presence of being with - a person, a situation.

Being present means having your mind fully engaged in the present moment.

Being connected to yourself and engaged and responsive to your NOW.

Not in thoughts of the past (often sadness) or future (often anxiety).

It takes some discipline to notice what you are thinking, and the choosing to bring all of your attention onto the now and being with.

Let the past go, let the the future alone - as Ram Dass says 'Be Here Now'.

No better time than the holidays for this. Here's a tip on how to 'get present' quickly When you notice your attention is not in this moment here's what to do!

A holiday practise for Inner Peace:

Come to your senses - take in the details, savour them, describe them.

There is so much we don't notice. Be the beacon of calm in your world.

What do you see, hear, smell, touch/feel, taste

Ooh the tastes this season:):)!! Savour all the details, the richness of life.

Often we miss much of experience by not being in the present.

And there no need to judge or interpret - our context for this is often the past but for today .... just notice, like data, information with no positive or negative feelings. 

And yes maybe this moment is sad - let yourself have a few tears - there's been so much change in the last few years and many of us are still feeling 'run over'.

So choose your present this holiday season and enjoy the richness of every moment.

With more time experiencing inner peace, whatever your practise, remaining connected to that place becomes easier.

Come enjoy and deepen your inner peace with me...

Free online Somatic Stretch® classes 3 x/week. Registration link here

Monday and Wednesday at 4:30 pm PST,  ... Donations appreciated:)

Fridays at 9am ... Replay for the week sent out on Sunday to registrants.

If you'd like to learn more about Somatic Stretch® - it is on Zoom, and you only need a place to sit and perhaps a pillow and/or blanket for comfort and support. For further info about the practise check into it here or my back story for how i came to the practise is here.

This practise brings me inner peace and that is why I am sharing with 3 classes/week for this December holiday season.




For now i hope to see you in class or on the replay and wishing you awareness for all you have and to savour it, right where you are.


And this is a great season to practise your Inner Peace

Just as laughter and yawns are 'contagious' so is peace.

Be the change you want to see in the world.


Let's be present and remain connected to our own inner peace.

Wishing you much to savour this holiday season,




Wendy Weir

Inner Peace Activator


Follow us for peaceful inspiration @LibreInnerPeace

Facebook and Instagram and NOW on Tik Tok !!

Often by now, unless you are a holiday season lover, or just love to be organised ... Our thoughts come to gifts ... so many choices.


Many this year, I've heard are opting for donations - yes we often have all we need and enjoy the opportunity to help others with less, whether a local organization or for far away folks in far away lands. One I love is Plan Canada with so many choices - maybe a goat, a month of education, or clean water - they even have corporate sponsors that will leverage your gift several times over.

Our loved ones will no doubt be deeply touched with a donation to their favourite cause.


YES - but what about us? Our gift is our presence, to be in the moment.


This is where an inner peace practise is so valuable - many are rushing and feeling stressed. Some even cranky:) Have you encountered 'cranky'?


Most times others crankiness is about them - our job is to stay connected to our own heart - and the peace we know that lies within - yes we can meditate, even 5 minutes morning and night can make a difference.

Or join me for a Somatic Stretch class - bringing awareness into our bodies, creating greater physical ease, and connecting more deeply allows us to relax and enjoy this season and reconnect to our inner peace.


And I believe the silver bullet for this season is be present - not the wrapped kind but our presence of being with - a person, a situation.


Being present means having your mind fully engaged in the present moment.

Being connected to yourself and engaged and responsive to your NOW.

Not in thoughts of the past (often sadness) or future (often anxiety).

It takes some discipline to notice what you are thinking, and the choosing to bring all of your attention onto the now and being with.


Let the past go, let the the future alone - as Ram Dass says 'Be Here Now'.


No better time than the holidays for this. Here's a tip on how to 'get present' quickly When you notice your attention is not in this moment here's what to do!


A holiday practise for Inner Peace:

Come to your senses - take in the details, savour them, describe them.

There is so much we don't notice. Be the beacon of calm in your world.


What do you see, hear, smell, touch/feel, taste

Ooh the tastes this season:):)!! Savour all the details, the richness of life.

Often we miss much of experience by not being in the present.


And there no need to judge or interpret - our context for this is often the past but for today ....

just notice, like data, information with no positive or negative feelings assigned.

And yes maybe this moment is sad - let yourself have a few tears - there's been so much change in the last few years and many of us are still feeling 'run over'.

So choose your present this holiday season and enjoy the richness of every moment.


With more time experiencing inner peace, whatever your practise, remaining connected to that place comes easier.

Come enjoy and deepen your inner peace with me...

Free online Somatic Stretch® classes 3 x/week. Registration link here

Monday and Wednesday at 4:30 pm PST,

Fridays at 9am.

Replay for the week sent out on Sunday for people who register.

If you'd like to learn more about Somatic Stretch® - it is on Zoom, and you only need a place to sit and perhaps a pillow and/or blanket for comfort and support. For further info about the practise check into it here or my back story for how i came to the practise is here.

 This practise brings me inner peace and that is why I am sharing with 3 Free classes/week for this December holiday season. 

For now i hope to see you in class or on the replay and wishing you awareness for all you have and to savour it, right where you are. 

Just as laughter and yawns are 'contagious' so is peace.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

Let's be present and remain connected to our own inner peace.

Wishing you much to savour this holiday season,




Wendy Weir

Inner Peace Activator


Follow us for peaceful inspiration @LibreInnerPeace

Facebook and Instagram and NOW on Tik Tok !!

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