Hi:) Wendy from Libre inner Peace here:)
Some days are better than others,
and some seasons are better and then yes, some years are better than others.
We are all doing our best and navigating these seas of change.
Seems it doesn't matter who I talk to I find that everyone has a variety of challenges.
Although we do need to keep the turmoil in perspective, there are difficult if not unbearable times in life.
I offer this video of Thich Naht Hanh with real solutions to difficult, if not unbearable times. It changed my perspective and really brought forward compassion. And yes, I was much more peaceful after watching this and bringing his perspective to my own world.
And I have continued to use his perspectives as I have encountered challenges.
The ability to go slowly and just be with what is - and he offers real tools -
sometimes is the hardest feat of all!