Libre tea glasses create funds for Naturopathic Doctors International Brigade

Last fall Libre Tea was approached by Robyn Land from the Boucher Institute Naturopathic Medicine (BINM), to help fundraise so that they could participate in the Natural Doctors International (NDI) program. We were happy to participate and to date we have supplied the Boucher’s Brigade coordinators with 80 Libre Tea glasses. So far they have generated approximately $1400+, with more orders to come.

A brigade from the Boucher Institute will be heading down to Nicaragua July 7-17th with Naturopathic Doctors International. All of BINM donations received for this project will be going towards covering their fees to participate in the program, which also supports the community, the doctors of the clinic and for the purchase of supplies to keep the clinic running.

The mission of NDI is to promote global health and social justice through natural medicine – through service, education & the advancement of natural medicine globally,

Libre Tea is happy to help Naturopathic doctors participating in charitable endeavours locally or globally.
If you have a Libre related project talk to us at Libre Tea. Thanks.

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