Celebrate Fall Abundance

The way we look at the world says so much about our own view of our abundance – to count our blessings is the quickest way to getting rich 🙂

We are just over a week away from the Canadian Thanksgiving.  With all the wonderful summer sunshine and fall rain we can celebrate the fall harvest. With pumpkins, squash, apples, sweet potatoes and so much more we have been blessed with abundance.

There is so much to be thankful for – we each count our blessings in our own way – what’s important and has the most meaning for us  – maybe it is our family, friends, health, food on the table, a roof over head, heat, electricity, and the air that we breathe…

To really feel the love and abundance in our lives it is important to take the time to recognize all that we have … and that’s the perfect ‘tea moment’ – checking in and acknowledging all that we have and the many ways we are supported.

And if we have extra feeling of abundance its great to send love and light to those who have so much less

For the everyday, an attitude of generosity as we approach our day can make our lives and those around us a lighter a brighter – let your light shine – share your abundant view.

Lets count our own blessings and fill up our consciousness with abundant thoughts and then we can share and spread our light.

With the colder weather approaching, it is a great time to think of those less fortunate then us – we can help by going through our closets and finding clothes or blankets we don’t need and giving them to organizations who will distribute them.

A smile or hello can make all the difference to someone on the street or a child – showing that you see them and they are important enough in this world for you to acknowledge.

Enjoy a quiet tea moment and think about what abundances you will celebrate this week?

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