Autumn Officially Starts this Weekend

Autumn officially starts this weekend. Which means it is time to begin Holiday planning (family gatherings, parties, dinners, gifts, and more) and ensuring that during this busy time we look after ourselves by including replenishing and rejuvenating mini-moments.

The holidays seem so far away but those weeks sneak up quickly and a great way to help these special events run smoothly is with planning. 

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.” ~ Alan Lakein

When you are ready to do some holiday planning make yourself a cup of tea, find a comfortable spot and take some time to enjoy a rejuvenating mini-moment.

Here are a few holiday planning ideas to get you started:  

  • Make a schedule for what needs to be done when and by whom for each event (home, office, school) – be sure to delegate to avoid being stressed and exhausted
  • Browse through your recipes for you and your family’s favourite holiday dishes – what meals can be made ahead and frozen, plan potlucks to help share the work and cost, keep in mind special dietary needs of those invited
  • Make a Holiday Gift List – store bought, hand crafted, eco-friendly, action gifts (like a yoga, sports or cooking class) or gift certificates (for a massage or spa treatment, movie night, walk on the beach, dinner out, etc.)
  • Surf Holiday decorating sites and magazines for new ideas
  • Look through your knitting/crocheting patterns, on craft sites online and Youtube. Visit Yarn and Craft stores (in-store and online) for gift inspiration
  • Check out the links below for Holiday Planning ideas
  • Make the Holiday Card and Invitation Lists

Libre Tea glasses are perfect to enhance your planning mini-moments and, of course, make wonderful Thank You and Holiday gifts.

Share with us what Holiday activities you will be planning 
in this week’s Libre Giveaway!

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