At Libre we are blessed by the season of lights and spirit. We look forward to enjoying the holidays though as of now we are very ‘busy beavers’.
This fall has been quite an adventure with a trip to the Colorado Yoga Journal Show – where we sold out !! yeah!! and participated in some amazing yoga. Our best discovery was Anusara Yoga founded by John Friend – we were able to go to a couple of Yoga classes and enjoyed Kirtan with Ram Dass. Oh so blessed.
Then Vancouver Yoga show was the next weekend Oct 3 and 4 – a wonderful setting for tasting teas and so many great connections. We really appreciated all the suggestions on who would love to hear about the Libre tea glasses – like the Deepak Chopra institute and even Esalen in Big Sur is carrying Libre these days. Did I say oh so blessed?:)
We’ve also been working hard with our manufacturer to have the Libre Large and Libre Mug ready for the season of giving. Both of these new styes have the glass’n poly characteristics – healthy glass interior, durable poly exterior and removable twist off tea filter. The Libre Mug has been very successful however we have had our troubles with the Libre Large – our sample worked well but it seemed that we were getting too many reports of leakage, and after 8 hours in a warehouse personally testing samples from 85 cases we decided to pull them from the shelves – we are getting a new filter connector mold made with tighter tolerances that will be ready for mid-January – we sooo regret the delay and know it is for the best.
Meanwhile the new Libre Mug is becoming quiteÂpopular and was featured by the Urban Rush TV show in Vancouver yesterday. And the Libre Original is featured in Chatelaine’s and Candian Living’s gift guide and Air Canada’s EnRoute magazine and our glass’n glass featured in the Alive magazine. Did i say oh so blessed?
Additionally we have worked with Pedro of Dao Tea to obtain some very fine organic green Ming Mei from Jiangxi province in China. See Pedro’s fantastic tea tasting notes and photos for a great overview. These 3 gram individual paks are in a 15 pak pouch – so easy to ‘grab and go’ and so good for you – try a steady diet of green tea and you’ll note the results – i certainly did with increased clarity and focus and i think a sugars balancing affect on my diet – I seem to be off sweet desserts. These individual paks are still flavourful after a couple of steeps and last me with hot water refills all day long – certainly they get weaker but make a great flavoured hot water later in the day.
Many new Libre retailers have joined our team and now our Libre store locator map is ready for your perusal to find out where to buy in your area.
We look forward to many more blog updates in the new year – til then best wishes for peaceful tea moments – anywhere, anytime.