Physical and Spiritual Health Connection

This past weekend we attended an amazing conference with a lot of tea drinkers – a combination of meditators and hi-tech companies looking at how mindfulness can be integrated into the business world. What we learned is the value of being present and having practices that support this for ourselves. It does take attention to what we do, how we are and most of all, letting ourselves ‘be’. As Eckhart Tolle suggests, when we take care of ourselves physically and spiritually, we will also be mentally and emotionally healthy. The video’s from the conference presentations are here and include Echkart Tolle, Jon Kabat-Zin, and Marianne Williamson. A most beautiful video is with Leah Pearlman on how we can accept all parts of ourselves and be light with ourselves.

Anytime you work with the body, you are also working with the mind and the energy system—which is the bridge between body and mind,” Joan Shivarpita Harrigan, Ph.D

We need to take the time to take care of our physical and spiritual selves:

  • Keep fit with exercise – yoga, walking, biking, play a sport, martial arts
  • Eat Healthy – add more fruits and vegetables; less sugars, salt and preservatives
  • Get a good night’s sleep – set a regular lights out time, listen to relaxing music, meditate
  • Practice being present in the moment – quiet your body, quiet your mind; connect to your essence, just be with yourself, observe your surroundings with all your senses
  • Count your blessings – we often forget how fortunate we are to be living with a roof over our head, people who care about us, food when we are hungry, …
  • Help others – this can be through donation of time or money – our time is often the most precious gift that we can give

Once we ourselves are healthy in all aspects of our being we feel at peace with ourselves and our surroundings and are living in the moment!


What actions have you taken recently to help you be healthy,
feel at peace and live in the moment?


For more information on our Physical and Spiritual connection:
Eckhart Tolle’s Spiritual Practices
Emotions in Motion
Your Body Hears Everything
The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle’s e-book


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