Enjoying Peaceful Summertime Tea Moments

With lots of outward action and playtime in the summer, now again we need some reflection time and peaceful tea moments to rejuvenate to get ready to play again.

There are so many places to enjoy relaxing summer tea moments. Here are a few of ours:

  • sitting on the balcony or porch  in the early mornings watching the sun rise,
  • at the beach watching the children play in the sand and the clouds floating by,
  • taking a stroll in the park listening to the birds chirping and feeling the soft summer breeze on our face
  • sitting on the grass under a tree

Where’s your favourite place for a summer tea moment?

– Please post your fave (with picture if possible) to our Libre Tea Facebook

Another favourite place of ours to enjoy a peaceful tea moment is at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden in Vancouver BC. It’s the first Chinese Garden built outside of China.  In 2011, National Geographic named the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden the World’s Best City Garden – you really must take a tour to understand the details – as well they were Libre Tea’s first customer! Their Eight Treasure Gift Shop blends their own tea and Libres are a great accessory to the tourists and travellers that visit.

Meanwhile, let us have a sip of tea.
The afternoon glow is brightening the bamboos,
the fountains are bubbling with delight,
the soughing of the pines is heard in our kettle.
Let us dream of evanescence,
and linger in the beautiful foolishness of things.
– Okakura Kakuzo

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