How did you do with your healthy resolutions this week? It’s a challenge and yet, with our vision of why, we can introduce new healthy habits into our full schedules. Here at Libre we like to give these new healthy habits a little boost with Tulsi Tea Moments!
Although tulsi is not camellia sinesis the plant most commonly referred to when one says tea we enjoy its earthy taste and settling effects.Tulsi is a herb, also known as ‘holy basil’, considered to be the “Queen of Herbs”. It’s been used for more than 5000 years in India and has many healing qualities. Tulsi can help the body and mind adapt and cope with a wide range of physical, emotional, and chemical stresses. These include improving stress scores, relieving symptoms such as forgetfulness and feelings of exhaustion, assists with sexual and sleep problems and promotes longevity.
One comment we’ve heard ‘I think it is one of the best natural remedies I have ever used for anxiety’. This allows us to remember to have tea moments – I know when I am stressed I can forget about tea moments.
And of course stay aware, it is always prudent to be careful when we start new things whether those are herbs or supplements, you never know how your body is going to respond.
Organic India is a great source for organic tulsi and herbs. This week we’d like to recommend 3 tulsi teas to help keep your healthy habits active. Calming down will allow you to remember why you are creating these new healthy habits and that makes it all worthwhileJ
Tulsi Tea Suggestions:
- Tulsi Cinnamon Rose Tea – perfect for soothing and relaxing
- Tulsi Ginger Tea – brings transformative energy and calm, and is great for digestion
- Tulsi Gotu Kola Tea – balances your nervous system, offers clarity and calm to your mind and enhances your overall physical and emotional well-being
Organic India tulsi tea company is celebrated for how it transformed tulsi farming in India to organic – it a great story the founders were meeting to connect with a spiritual master Papaji
So we close with a famous quote from him – from the Organic India website:
“Keep Quiet. The eternal truth exists within you. Do not entertain a single thought and the truth will reveal itself to itself.”
This week, we’d like you to head over to Organic India’s webpage and share with us which new tulsi tea you would like to try for a chance to win an
Organic India Gift Basket!
The ORGANIC INDIA Basket includes a burgeoning fullness of delicious teas and supplements to support gentle, calm warming energy. It especially supports digestion, immunity, cognitive function, vitality and is full of anti-stress adaptogens.
This gift basket includes one of each of the following, packaged in a beautiful wrapped basket. ($58.99 retail value)
- 1 box Tulsi Cinammon Rose Tea (18 tea bags)
- 1 box Tulsi Ginger Tea (18 tea bags)
- 1 box Tulsi Gotu Kola Tea (18 tea bags)
- 1 bottle Turmeric (90 capsules)
- 1 bottle Vitality (90 capsules)
- Mala with silk bag
We are blessed to be associated with and offer a s special Thank You to Organic India for providing this wonderful gift basket!
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